Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Why go to church?

Oh man, I'll start off by saying this blog is going to be hard for me to write. I'm finding it hard to articulate the thoughts in my head so this could be interesting! This blog, like many of my blogs, was a manifestation of reoccurring conversations I've been having with many different people. I've been involved in several conversations over the past month about church (I know, a very broad topic). More specifically the role church plays in different people's lives. The beauty of the diversity God put within each of us is we all have different ideas on how church should fit into our lives or better yet why church should fit into our lives. These questions are answered differently by each individual person.

For myself, church has become a place where I have formed close friendships and I have discovered a community of people who I want to walk life with. If I wouldn't be involved in a church I would have never had this opportunity. I personally struggle with attending Sunday morning services because it doesn't do much for me and it's become a bit of a chore. When you've grown up in a church, worked on a staff at a church and attend a church it's really hard to see something different. Once you've seen one church service you've seen them all. And the traditional church service does nothing for someone with ADD and who is a hands on learner. If I'm being frank, I go church on Sunday mornings to see my friends, have Cali participate in Sunday School and maybe have a lunch date with friends afterwords.

Now Chad and I are involved in a home church that meets twice a month. It's here where I find true meaning in church. We gather around a table and eat. We share stories and the struggles in our lives. We open the bible and challenge one another to think outside the box. We pray for one another and we experience God together. So for me personally I could never attend Sunday morning church again and I think I would be fine, but if I missed home church or spending time with my community I would be devastated.

There are other people in my life who would see Sunday morning church differently than I. Some may find it incredibly energizing and uplifting. Some may find a sermon and lecture to be a great way to learn about God and the bible. Some may appreciate the non social aspect to a church service and others may find church scary and uninviting. Some people may need a break from Sunday morning church and all the baggage that comes along with it. Like my friends and I who have experienced unpleasant situations and we're just not ready to face the Sunday morning crowd yet.

Whatever the reason you attend Sunday morning church or not, lets remember that God created us all differently. If he expected all of us to worship the same he would have created us the same. Just like in school, we can't expect every student to learn the same. I need conversation, debate and face to face interaction to learn well. Some need one on one rather than a crowd. Others need a good old lecture and note taking. I don't think Sunday morning church is meant for everyone. In fact I don't think church is for everyone.

We have to ask ourselves, What are we getting out of church? Is church just a building? Does going to a church need to happen in order for me to be a true follower of Jesus Christ? Can my presence at church make a difference in someone else's life? Where and how can I be fed spiritually if I don't participate in a regular church service?

I continue to ask myself these questions on a regular basis. And I hope you do too. I recognize and admit my struggle with church but I also know the church has been so good to and for my family.

My advice to you, Never stop asking why you do what you do. When you stop asking you forget how important those things truly can be in your life.

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