Tuesday, December 27, 2016

2016... love it, or hate it?

So I'm gearing up for the annual Facebook posts about how awful 2016 was and the hopes for a brighter and better 2017. While I have had my fair share of awful years, I'm happy to say this was not one of them. If fact this is one of the best years I've had in a very long time. I can't really attribute it to one particular thing but several small things. No luck was involved. Just a great year, great attitude, great connections and a great God.

Where do I start...Well I guess I will start where I hope all of us would find our greatest success, in our relationships. This year I have formed some of the closest friendships I have ever had. I have connected with a few woman and their families the way I have always dreamed of. Although we range in age, we somehow make it work! Our kids love being together as much as we do. We have supported each other through moves, surgeries, and family problems. We have formed a small community of support. It truly is beautiful and I thank God everyday for these amazing woman!

Moving on, our dream of having another child naturally was laid to rest after a grueling bout of unsuccessful fertility treatments. We were super bummed but also relieved it was over. Little did we know God had a whole new direction for us to go. We started the adoption process! Chad and I had excitement again and we felt confident this is where we should be. We had a few fundraisers for our adoption and we were blessed with many donations! We are now ready to move forward with our adoption and we hope to bring a child home in 2017!

Next, we sold our home of 5 and a half years and bought a new one right down the road. As you can imagine, living in the home where your son died holds a lot of baggage. In preparation of bringing home a baby we thought a new house would be very helpful! Since we love the Leola area we kept a close eye on realty in the area. Everything fell into place beautifully and we're now happy home owners again. Another cool thing that came out of our move was having the opportunity to live with my in laws for 6 weeks. I think we all were a little worried how it would turn out but surprisingly it went very well! I have enjoyed our time together and I'm not going to lie, I'm going to miss having all the people around. Thank you Glenn and Linda for your hospitality! It was a wonderful stay. And thank your Tracy Seiger (Life Change Realty) for your patience and perseverance in finding us the perfect home.

Another exciting event for me this year was starting a new job. I know I have bounced around a lot. But I've always been a person to follow her heart and passions. I never want to be in a job I hate. It took me a lot of jobs and many years but I finally found the perfect job for me as an administrative coordinator of a non profit. Everyday I'm excited to go to work and make a difference. I love the challenge most of all!

Something I have been working at all year is becoming healthier and finding out what that means to me. I have gone to my counselor, used a personal trainer for a short time (Empower Training, I would highly recommend them!), worked through journals and flooded my Facebook and Instagram with body positive pages. I have never been more in tune with my body, spirit and mind. I no longer think being healthy means "skinny." I no longer worry about my health because I know I'm making the right strides to take care of myself.

Looking back over the past year, I can't help but smile. I know my life is far from perfect but I have seen the blessings God has placed before me and I will not take them for granted! It's refreshing to feel a sense of positivity in my life, after all Chad and I have endured.

If this was a crappy year for you, I have been there. I understand. I pray you will surround yourself will good people, opportunities and strive to continue to better yourself in 2017. Don't put your faith in "luck." Put your faith in yourself and all God can do with you and your gifts. Half the battle is overcoming the negativity.

I wish you a VERY happy new year!

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