Wednesday, December 21, 2016

My prayer for the future

Now that the election is over, we gear up for a new presidency and look towards the future. Although I personally was not pleased with the outcome, there is nothing I can do to change what has been decided. My entire life my parents continued to tell me "do not stress over what you cannot control." As I shared last month, I was scared and unsure of our future as a country. I laid awake wondering where we go from here.

It's a month later and I can say i'm in a better place. Not because anything changed in my favor or because I now agree with the outcome...but because I realized the power I hold as an individual and the changes I can make personally to make this world a better place.

I have really good news! I, Julie, can say and SHOW how I want to treat others, rather than modeling what I see on TV or hear in the news. I can control how I act and speak of others around me. I may not be able to change the laws but I can change the tone. I may not be on the news or have a platform to speak from but I do have a voice and I can choose to speak love and kindness. I may not have billions of dollars but I do have money to share even if it hurts to give.

I've taken this outcome as a personal challenge. I will not spend the next few years spreading hate or using hurtful rhetoric. I will not exclude those who share a different way of life. I will not speak hatefully of our president or his family. Like Michelle Obama said "When they go low, we go high."

To all those who fear for the future; refugees, undocumented immigrants, LGBTQ family and Muslims. You're welcome in my home. You may eat dinner at my table and I will show you the same love and kindness that EVERY human being deserves. No matter who is in charge, you're loved and cared for by many.

I hope we can all find room in our hearts and homes for all those who may suffer the most during the next presidency. My prayer is, we the people can display the love of Jesus Christ throughout this country and around the world, regardless of whats happening in the white house. Don't underestimate the power God has given us. Our voices and actions can go so far!

This is my anthem right now.

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