Thursday, November 10, 2016

Letting Go

I'm trying my hardest to keep it together but my emotions are running through me right now. I feel so much. I feel like I can only talk to a few select people who will allow me to vent and truly be myself with out judging me for what I believe. I have spend the last 10 years of my life as an in the closet Democrat. While I hinted about some of my opinions on social media and engaged in political debates with fellow christian friends, I was never courageous enough to come out and say I'm a christian who votes democrat. Mainly because I live in a super conservative area where politics and religion go hand in hand. Which I find deeply confusing.
As you can imagine when my husband woke me up at 3 am Wednesday morning to tell me Donald Trump had won I was in awe wondering if this was a bad dream. I could not sleep for the rest of the night. So many things were running through my mind.

What will life be like for our future adoptive child if they are a different race in a Trump run country? How will this effect Cali and her future? What will this do to our international relations? How can Hilary win the popular vote but not win the election? But my biggest question of all...How could 80% of evangelic Christians vote for Donald Trump?

Now you really don't have to answer that, because I'm pretty sure I already know. Every conversation goes straight to abortion and the supreme court. While I don't take abortion lightly I also don't agree a man who once was pro choice is all the sudden pro life in the mist of an election.

Regardless of what I believe and what your believe, there is a bigger problem facing this nation and that is, we love politics more than we love God and each other. And if you don't believe that, then you are turning a blind eye to the truth. We just spend the past year consumed by two people who promised us the world and look where we are today. Fighting, auguring, putting each other down, using hurtful language, acting childish and using social media as an outlet...I know the irony since i'm writing a blog and posting it on Facebook. But seriously, many of you reading this would consider yourself Christian. Are you proud of how you acted this past election? Do you think you allowed God into the process or was this about what you wanted? Did you let fear make your decision for you? Have you said things on Facebook that you would NEVER have the courage to say to someone in person?

Looking back, I'm not proud of myself and I wish I would have let go of this election a long time ago. I'm holding so much anger today simply because I was too involved in something that didn't involve God at all. I don't believe God would have voted for either of these candidates. I believe Jesus would have been busy taking care of the poor, spending time with the lowest of lows in society and spending his money on saving people not on political campaigns. Jesus is starkly different than the rest of us and that is obvious! We cannot expect Donald Trump to save this country...he can't, he won't. We can't expect him to stop abortion...he can't, he won't...The only person we can put our hope in is JESUS.

Jesus is worth so much more the billions trump has. He is so much more than a republican or democrat. He is our hope, peace and life. Please I begging all of you who are reading this. Let go of this election and move on. Find strength and hope is your neighbors, church and God. Spread love and peace! I'm letting go of my political position and i'm having faith in human kind and God not in politics. Life is just too short to keep this up.

I know this wasn't my most thought out or well written blog but this was healing to write for me. I needed to say this out loud.

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