Saturday, August 2, 2014

Happiness is a tease

Over the past two months I have been struggling with finding true happiness. I mean I can go out and buy new clothes and that could make me happy or I can go on vacation for a few days and find joy BUT when it comes down to it, is that real happiness? Sometimes I wonder if we as human beings are capable of seeing that fine life between something that makes us happy and just simply being a happy person.

See, I think we as a society have made buying things and having things a form of happiness but I can tell you from experience it really does not. In the past three months I have tried to buy my happiness back or fill the void in my life (Camden) by putting something in his place. But as you can imagine nothing has taken Camden's place. Nothing has even come close and nothing will.

I can certainly find temporary happiness through money and wealth but it won't last.

So what will it take for me to be truly happy?

1)I would imagine contentment would be a great start. And I don't mean in my job or my house but contentment in who I am, where God has put me and the life I'm living. It's so hard to be content in our society. It really is. We're bombarded with planning for our futures and rarely do we appreciate our present. "If you’re living in the present, you’re living in acceptance. You’re accepting life as it is now, not as how you wish it would have been. When you’re living in acceptance, you realize everything is complete as it is. You can forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made, and you can have peace in your heart knowing that everything that should happen will" ( To me this makes sense. I need to accept my life where it is now and have peace about where it is going, even if its not in the direction I imagined. Then I think true happiness can follow.

2)I believe living simply would go hand in hand with #1. If I have less stuff I would be more capable of finding contentment and I would depend less on things and more on people and God. Today I thought about all the things I wanted and then I went through my list and wrote down why I needed them. I couldn't think of one thing I actually needed. I want to redo my kitchen because it looks like the Brady Bunch barfed on it and to make it more functional. Can I cook in it? Yes. Can I wash my dishes? Yes. Is there anything that needs fixed right this minute? No. Then why do I need a new kitchen. I don't. I guess somewhere in my head I think having a new kitchen would make me happier but it won't. Relationships can make me happy. Love can make me happy. Contentment can make me happy. Stuff can make you happy...temporarily.

3)Serve others. Dr.R. Murali Krishna says "It's one of the fundamental ways I suggest people can achieve balanced lives, whether through volunteering in the community or through finding a quieter connection with someone. We must serve others to feel like human beings. Serving others provides a spiritual connection. Mother Theresa told us that God comes to us through suffering human beings. We can't all be Mother Theresa's. But we each possess inner strengths and talents given to us so we can share them to others" ( Even when I feel I have nothing left to give, I know deep down I do. And it brings me true joy to make someone else's life better as a result of using my god given gifts.

4)The last key to happiness for me is having relationships with people who need me as much as you need them. A mutual friendship like that can bring so much joy and happiness to your life. Having someone who is consistently there for you in the darkest times and the brightest times is priceless. These people are hard to come by so once you find one, never let them go. Hold them close to you heart and remember to give and take. Mutual is the key here.

I'm a far cry from obtaining true happiness right now but I have the resources and knowledge on how to get there and it has nothing to do with cherry cabinets or a state of the art Whirlpool refrigerator in my brand spanking new kitchen. And it has everything to do with contentment, relationships and my emotional well being.

The loss of life has made me rethink how I do life all together. Camden's short 6 months being here on earth has paved a whole new way of living for our family. A new journey has begun.

Philippians 4:11-13
For I have learned to be content, whatever the circumstances may be. I know now how to live when things are difficult and I know how to live when things are prosperous. In general and in particular I have learned the secret of eating well or going hungry of facing either plenty of poverty. I am ready for anything through the strength of the One who lives within me.

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