Wednesday, January 10, 2018

How you changed my life

You're probably wondering who exactly changed my life? Well i'm here to explain. It comes to know surprise when I say, I'm a relational person. I appreciate all the people in my life and I cherish each connection I have with them. Understandably after Camden's death I found a whole new meaning on the importance of people in my life.

It has been nearly 4 years since Camden had his last breath here on earth and yet somehow it feels like just yesterday. In four years I have lost a son, gone through several surgery's, I have had 4 failed IVF treatments and one failed adoption. When you type it out like that, it sounds horrible. But oddly enough when I look back over the past 4 years I don't see the hurt. I don't picture the disappointment. I don't feel the warmth of the tears rolling down my cheeks. I remember each and every person who supported us along the way. I remember being loved on through mail, phone calls and visits. I remember the many dinners people provided for us. I remember the hugs I received Sunday after Sunday at church.

I know I'm going to forget someone but I'm going to try my best to remember EVERYONE over the past 4 years who was there for us:

Thank you to those of you who sent us cards in the mail. I still pull them out every so often to read. Thank you Aunt Diana for the many cards you sent us. I always received a card from you on a day I needed it most.

Thank you to Dr. Kegel for preforming my tubal reversal surgery. Although It was unsuccessful you were so kind and helpful during that very emotional time.

Thank you to Adam Forry for leading us through Camden's death, funeral and months to follow. I couldn't think of a better "boss" to have at that time. You were so kind and gracious to us. Thank you for dedicating Camden, something we will never forget.

Thank you to Kelly Harnish for being there for us emotionally, encouraging us to get grief counseling so early on and for setting up our support system at church.

Thank you Kira and Lamar for being at the hospital the night Camden died. That has always meant the world to me.

Thank you the many of you who attending Camden's funeral.

Thank you to the whole Speedwell Congregation for all the meals. They made us meals for three months! It was amazing and a huge burden lifted off our shoulders.

Thank you to everyone who donated money to pay for Camden's medical expenses and funeral. I couldn't have imagined paying for all of that on top of dealing with his death.

Thank you to Dr. Manobi and the whole team at Shady Grove Fertility. Although we left with great disappointment, the team there was great! We felt cared about and we knew they were on our side the whole time.

Thank you to the many of you who volunteered at Camden's Run or participated in the run. It meant so much to us to have Camden's name heard and being used for a good cause.

Thank you to our Home church who helped us plan and implement our Spaghetti dinner last year. We raised a lot of money to support our adoption.

Thank you One Village Coffee for letting us buy their coffee at whole sale price for our Coffee Fundraiser.

Thank you to Marian Groff for all the trips to Hershey Park. That was our first family outing after Camden had passed away. It was nice to smile again and to have fun as a family.

Thank you to Leah. She hosted Chad and I in Columbus Ohio during our failed adoption. We had a beautiful home to stay in for free!

Thank you to Leah Bardly our Adoption consultant. She is great at her job and so supportive!

Thank you to the random young man in Columbus Ohio who gave us a free lunch when he found out we were there to adopt a baby. He was one of nicest persons I have ever met.

Thank you to all of you who have donated to our Silent auction. I feel like we've been bugging people a lot lately. It's hard to constantly depend of people and their resources. Please know it doesn't go unnoticed.

Thank you to my family who still cries with us on occasion. Who randomly texts or calls to say they're thinking about us. Or tell us they miss Camden too.

Thank you to all the wonderful people I met through this adoption journey....Kendra, Carissa, Krista, Wendy, Kristen, Shelly, Sami and many, many more. If I didn't have you guys to talk to about the ups and downs of adoption, I don't think I would have made it.

Thank you to Josh and Ruby Nolt, Matt and Maddy Warfel, Adam and Elspeth Naramore. These people have been on this emotional roller coaster with us the past year. They help process with us and give their honest opinions to us. Everyone needs friends like this.

Thank you Kristin Nebel for being my doctor friend who reviews many of our situations we are given to explain to us medical terminology and conditions. She is a great doctor and friend!

Thank you to Glenn and Linda for always being willing to watch Cali at the drop of a hat, such as getting a call about a baby. Thank you for your financial support as well.

Thank you Kristy & Amber for doing grief with me. Our circumstances suck but I'm so glad we have each other.

Thank you Lauren for letting us use The Growing Place Consignment shop for Camden's Run.

Thank you Carrie for connecting us with Danielle. We Can't wait to help her!

Thank you to the Both Hands Project for approving us and helping us get closer to our adoption cost goals.

Thank you Joy for making Camden's memory quilt. That was one of the most though-felt gifts I've ever received.

Thank you you Josh for taking our awesome family photos for our Adoption profile book.

I know I forgot some of you but please know I'm grateful for each person who has touched our lives in the past 4 years. Our lives are brighter because of you.

We can't wait to share our future child with all of you. It's certainly been a long and crazy journey to get to this point and we didn't get here alone...That's for sure.

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