Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Question for God

  • Where are you?
  • Why did Camden have to die?
  • Why did you let us meet him and hold him to only take him away?
  • How could a woman who had little trouble getting pregnant the first two times, not get pregnant through IVF?
  • Why has every infertile person in my life got pregnant and I have not?
  • Why has everyone going through the adoption process been able to adopt, and we have not?
  • Why did birth mom #1 Change her mind?
  • Why did Christian Adoption Consultants match us with the most unprofessional and illegal adoption agency in America? 
  • Why can anyone have a baby, but good people have to jump through hoops to even be considered to adopt a child?
  • How can good people, continue to experience bad things?
  • How can I complain about my life, when I know I have so much more than a lot of people?
  • Why do I have a house, clean water, food and money, when others do not?
  • If we're called to care for mothers and orphans, why aren't you allowing us?
  • Do I not believe in you enough to reap the "God" benefits? 
  • How can American have so much but be so unhappy?
  • Why can't money buy happiness?
  • If we had money we could use a surrogate or have a baby a different way. Don't you think that would make us happy?
  • Why are there children suffering right now?
  • Why are there families who want to grow crying right now?
  • We have been in foster care for 3 weeks and already had two placements that fell through? Why?
  • Did I make bad decisions which ultimately ended in a long line of sucky things happening to me?
  • All those people raising their arms in worship on Sunday mornings, are they closer to you than me?
  • Why do I feel nothing when I pray, sing in worship or sit through a sermon?
  • Is church the only way to you?
  • Since I've told you I hate you on numerous occasions, have I forever lost my spot in Heaven?
  • Why can't I be content with Cali? Why do I want more children?
  • How can I be happy again?
  • Do you hear me?
  • Are you real?
  • Is it silly to think there is someone out there who could answer these questions? 

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