Sunday, August 21, 2016

Happy Birthday

Dear Camden,
It's hard to believe it's your third birthday. Time keeps moving on. Our lives are so different now then it was only a few short years ago. It feels like just yesterday I was calling Daddy during the middle of the night on August 22nd, 2013, trying to pass time because I couldn't sleep. Daddy was driving his truck and I was lying in bed trying to ignore the fact that you were trying to kick your way out of me. I never went in to labor with your sister so I wasn't sure I was really ready to go the hospital. I didn't want to be the Mom who goes in to only get sent back home again. So I waited and waited some more. But your Daddy had this sneaking suspicion I was going to have you that day and he advised me to call Mammaw and Nana to come help me. So I did just that. Mamma came before the sun and drove me to the hospital. Nana stayed at home with Cali so she could keep sleeping.
While driving in the car my mom could see I was having very close contractions. She was driving quickly but safely. She had a little smirk on her face, knowing her 8th grandchild was on the way. When we arrived to the hospital they got me set up in a room and a doctor rushed in to check how far along I was. Sure enough I was in labor and much farther along then I thought. Knowing I had to get a c-section, they gave me the good stuff quick and sent me on my way. In two short hours you were here! Just a couple days before that, my OBGYN told me you were going to be a BIG baby. When you came out you were only 6lbs! I asked them if they were sure you were my baby. But you were. You were all mine.
The next few weeks were the best! Daddy took off three weeks to stay home with the family. Cali was so excited to be a big sister. She wanted to help take care of you all the time. You were such a sweet baby. Quiet, cuddly and handsome. I've always said you were the easiest baby. I want you to know, while you were here with us you bought a light into our lives that we will never forget. Daddy, Cali and I all have different memories of you, but I promise you, they were all good. They all make us smile.
Although you haven't been here the last two and a half years, your presence is still with us. We have your pictures on our walls, and in our offices. We still tell everyone about you! Cali is never afraid to tell a new friend about her baby brother in Heaven. We started a non-profit organization in your name called, Camden's Run. We are raising money for SIDS research so no other family has to loose their baby.
You will be happy to know we have an amazing support system around us. We're being taken care of by our families, church family and close friends. Even though you have been gone for two years, people still send us encouraging letters in the mail or reach out to us just to see how we're doing. These people have made our sad story a little sweeter.
We also have some exciting news to share with you! You might get to be a big brother! Daddy and Mommy are hoping to adopt a baby. Mommy tired to have another baby naturally but it just wasn't in the books for her. But that's OK. Everyone's story is a little different. It's been an incredibly long road but I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I truly believe adoption was a part of God's plan all along. Again, I don't know why any of this had to happen to get where we are but I'm happy and ready for this adventure. I don't think it will be easy but I think the rewards will be great! Something I realized while at our last adoption meeting is, God gave us this amazing gift to relate to the birth mom's and their grief. We can understand how it feels to loose a child. I hope we can bring some comfort to our future birth mom. We understand. We feel their pain. We want to help them heal.
With all this said, we wanted to let you know we are happy. Life is full of joy again. I don't want you to think because we don't shed tears as much, we don't think about you. We think about you all the time! But we smile now. We can look at your pictures and remember what joy you brought to our lives and still do. Your presence is still here and very strong. Thank you for being our son. We love you very much and I hope you have the best third birthday party in Heaven!

With Love,

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Keeping The Faith

Chad and I have had many questions in the past three years. They range from...

Should we paint Camden's room blue or green?
Should I work or stay home?
Should we cremate or bury Camden?
Do you think Cali needs play therapy?
What should we do with Camden's stuff?
Should we have more kids?
What if we can't get pregnant?
Why isn't IVF working?
Should we look into adoption?
Do we want to keep asking people for more money?
How will this effect Cali?

That is a small glimpse into our lives the past couple of years. Many of you reading this know our story so I don't feel like I need to go into great detail. Our journey to start a family has gone very differently than expected. It started out like many of you. We had a beautiful Daughter Cali. She stole our hearts. Shortly after, we got pregnant and had our second child, Camden. He equally stole our hearts but in a very different way. At 6 months old Camden died of SIDS. This is when our story starts to look different. After his death we went through a range of emotions. But both Chad and I came out feeling the same way. We felt our family was not complete.

Eager to have more kids we starting trying again but this time something wasn't right. We tried for nearly two years to get pregnant and were unsuccessful. We tired naturally and through IVF(In Vitro Fertilization). After four failed IVF cycles we decided to stop. It was taking a toll on my body, mind and spirit. I couldn't handle it anymore. Anyone who has gone through this can agree, it's not for the weak at heart. We stopped in April of 2016 and decided to look towards a future of a family of three. But it still didn't feel right. We couldn't understand why God wouldn't want us to have more children. We have so much love to share. An extra bedroom just waiting for a child and a loving family waiting to embrace them.

Through prayer and encouragement we felt God's call to adoption. We started the adoption process at Bethany Christian Services through their Domestic Adoption Program. We are both excited and scared. We knew this was going to cost a lot of money but we weren't aware it would be THAT much money. When it's all said and done it will cost $30,000. When we heard this number we started to doubt again. But God kept pushing us through. We're keeping the faith, through fundraising and support we will be able to raise enough money to bring a baby home. With all that being said, we started a Go Fund Me Page for our adoption.You can follow this link to our page.

This page is set up for anyone who wants to donate to our adoption fund. We also plan to have several fundraising events through out the next year to help. Currently we are still in need of $20,000. It's a big number but we know our friends and family have even bigger hearts!

To clarify the money donated will go directly to our adoption fund. This money is used to pay Bethany Christian for their services, legal fees and processing important documents.

We thank you for being a part of this journey with us and we look forward to sharing good news with you in the future!

Chad, Julie and Cali Hillard