Monday, November 23, 2020


Probably the most basic blog title I could choose but the reality is, the term 2020 has become an international phenomenon. The year 2020 brought us a new decade and a little something called COVID-19. It almost seems like a curse word...It's hard to believe it's been 8 months since lockdown was implemented. We were all so cute and naive. We only have two weeks at home and then we can get back to life. This is great! A two-week vacation turned into a month vacation and it ended up being a three-month quarantine! Followed by a strange summer with canceled vacations, working from home and SO many outdoor movie nights. Then came fall like a wrecking ball. Virtual learning, elections, record-breaking COVID-19 cases, and modified holiday plans. Boy, this blog is sounding super depressing. 

None of what I wrote is new to any of us. We all have experienced this together. Some more than others. Some of us have actually contracted COVID-19. Some of us have lost loved ones. Some of us have been in quarantine several times because of exposure. Some of us have had a q-tip stuck up our nose more times than we would like to count. The moral of the story is 2020 has sucked in many ways. BUT I'm sure we can all find something to be thankful for through this mess we call 2020. 

Oddly enough, we had some really great experiences this year and I refuse to let COVID-19 define what I remember. Yes, I'm going to list all the things that were a blessing to our family, not to brag but to find gratitude which I could really use right now. As the holiday's approach and Cali is in quarantine for the 2nd time this fall, and her school moving to virtual, no Thanksgiving with our families and probably no Christmas, I thought a list of blessings would get me through. 

1. This year has been the first in several that Chad and I have not been thinking about growing our family. For over 5 years we walked through IVF treatments, surgeries, failed adoptions, and a quick go of it at Foster Care. So much paperwork, heartache, and pain. This year has been refreshing and almost like a weight lifted off our shoulders. What a blessing it is to find contentment in our small family as it is. 

2. I got 4 months of Chad! Yes, there were times where I wanted to run out the door and hide from my family. But it was pretty cool having Chad around 24/7 for several months. He works long hours typically so skipping the commute to work added a lot to our days. 

3. Thank God for unemployment! Owning my own business brought its own challenges this year but not working for 3 solid months made things hairy. Then Chad getting let go of his job was plain scary. I'm so glad we had unemployment during those months to get us through. 

4. I'm so happy Chad found a new job that he loves! For several years Chad and I talked about where he sees himself in 5 years. He struggled to see where he would be or what he would be doing. Knowing he was ready for a change but not ready to take the plunge he stayed where he knew it was safe (one thing I love about him)! Although getting let go during a world pandemic was not ideal, he ended up finding a new job he loves! He is being challenged, learning new things, and excited to see where he will go!

5. Having to slow down made me a better friend. Let's face it when life is busy and we're going nonstop, it's hard to be a good friend. Although I couldn't see many people face to face, I found myself texting, calling, and Facetiming friends more than ever. I was determined to get creative in seeing my friends like taking walks, outdoor movie nights, cookouts, and hiking. We accidentally (we got lost) took a 7-mile hike with our good friends and I don't regret it :) 

6. I love my home. For some people, spending 8 months in your home can make you want to renovate everything but for me, I discovered I love my house. We certainly caught up on home projects during quarantine but nothing major. I love the picture shelves Chad built for me at the end of the hallway. Every time I walk to my room, I stop and look at all the people I love! I love our hammock under the trees. It's so nice to go out to swing, read, and nap. I love our patio space. Perfect for hosting backyard BBQs. I love our bonus space downstairs. This is where we curl up as a family and watch movies or where Cali goes to sing and play. I love our friendly neighbors. I love our home and where we live. 

7. I'm glad we are all experiencing this together. One thing that is getting me through this pandemic is knowing we are all walking this journey as one. We all understand the frustrations, loneliness, and confusion that go along with COVID-19. Years down the road we will remember the terms social distancing, Zoom, Virtual learning, unprecedented, pandemic and so much more. Hopefully, we will all be able to laugh about all the funny things we did to survive. Drive-by birthday parties, getting to wear a mask into a bank, red x's on the floors everywhere, temperature checks, doing an obnoxious amount of puzzles and being terrified to cough in public. I'm kind of laughing right now :P 

As we all embark on this Holiday week, I hope we can stop and find gratitude where gratitude is due. If you're reading this, you're alive another day. You're most likely healthy and still going to enjoy a hearty meal on Thursday. Although it won't be with the usual crowd, we will be safe, showing compassion and praising Jesus for the vaccines on the way. We can be thankful, even during this storm we call 2020. Happy Holiday friends. I can't wait to hug you <3