Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Table

A few weeks back I was looking for a new dinning room table or two chairs to add to our current table. For a family of three, some may wonder why we need to expand our small dinning room table.

Well before we get into that, I thought I might share why tables have always been important to me. Since I was a wee little one, I have always enjoyed a meal shared around a table with the ones I love. I can remember being in high school and forcing my parents to sit with me and eat dinner around the table instead of in front of the TV. I was also the designated prayer-er (Not a word).

Ironically my dad started a church called "The Table Community Church" when I was a senior in high school. The table played a significant roll in my life as I moved into adulthood. Those who attend this church may remember when Chad and I started dating, eventually getting engaged and then married. We also welcomed Cali into the world at The Table. We loved the casual feel this church had to offer and I appreciated the call to gather around a table each week with our church family. Many weeks we would have a discussion time in the service where we had an opportunity to chat with each other about relevant topics. The Table Community Church continues to remind me or the importance of sitting together around a Table.

As a family now, I place a great deal of importance around sitting down for dinner TOGETHER at the table. When Cali started competitive cheer, I was amendment we still must have dinner together, even if it was at 4:30 pm! This is where Cali tells us about her day, good and bad. This is where we have a good nutritious (sometimes) meal and look each other in the eyes and care for one another. A table can be so much more than a spot to eat. It's where you laugh, cry, play games, be a family, have potlucks and have deep conversations.

Unfortunately, many families don't participate in this ancient practice. Many kids don't have the luxury of sitting down for a meal with their parents.

Here are some reason why?
-Parents working three jobs to support their family so they are on their own.
-No money to buy the food to eat dinner.
-Don't have a physical house to eat in.
-Parents may have substance abuse problems and forget to make dinner,

These may seem extreme but also very true. For the past few months Chad and I have been going through training's for Foster Care to Adopt through Bethany Christian Services. We have decided to make the transition from Domestic Infant Adoption to Foster Care to Adopt and we could't be happier about this decision!

We dabbled in the idea of doing Foster Care to Adopt previously but came to the conclusion we were not ready for the responsibility that came with the job. We spent the year praying and talking to Cali. Slowly our hearts softened to the idea and here we are now. Although this is not what we pictured for our family originally, it's all we can think about now!

We have seen so many signs pointing us in this direction and the verbal affirmation from family and friends has deep-seeded a desire we didn't know we had. We now see our family being a great fit for any child, infant or not. Our family has experience grief and loss and we can shed grace and understanding to a child who is experiencing the same. We have space in our hearts and home for children who need some extra TLC and willing to except our love in whatever capacity they can.

We have heard the horror stories and we understand the challenges that may lay ahead but it's a risk we're willing to take to make a small difference in a child's life. God never said it was going to be easy and it certainly has not been! But lets not forget the many things we have to rejoice about.

Our table is open and ready for whoever may join.
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We will be Foster Care ready in October and we are over the moon about it!