Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Two words that could change the world

So let me paint a picture for you. Probably a picture many of you have seen in your personal lives. It was a hot and humid Saturday afternoon. The kind of day where you want to stick you head in the freezer while drinking a slushy and watch Frozen. But unfortunately things had to be done, so there was no time for sticking my head in the freezer. Chad was working an extra Saturday to make money for the family so it was just me and the little one. I knew I had to go grocery shopping but I was dreading it. Between the heat outside, an over tired 5 year old and a mamma who could barely walk from her personal training session the day before, I knew this couldn’t end well. But it had to be done, so I put on my big girl pants and went grocery shopping.
We stopped at our usual place, Target. For the most part the shopping trip went better than expected. It wasn’t until the end of our Target experience that my blood started to boil and I was on edge. While walking out to the entire other end of the parking lot, I realized I forgot to pick up the pictures I had developed at the picture kiosk. So begrudgingly I turned around and marched back in to target to get my pictures. Hot and sweaty, I went to the front desk and got my pictures. Now we were ready to go home. Once again, we started the long journey to the car and it wasn’t until I opened the car door Cali says “where is your water bottle?” I said I wasn’t sure it was last in the car. She said “I took it into the store and now I don’t have it.” My blood pressure started to rise, knowing I had to walk back into target and find my brand new, expensive water bottle I got for my birthday. Oh yeah, remember I said I could barely walk. My legs were like Jello from a previous work out. With the sun beating down on me, Cali by my side, I growled at her and starting walking back into the store. I retraced my steps in the store to see if I could find it but I had no luck. I went to the front desk AGAIN and they hadn’t seen it either. Luckily while walking out to the car I found our cart and sure enough it was sitting inside it.
You would have thought I would have found some joy over finding my new beloved water bottle but I was too far gone. I was angry, tired, hot, sweaty (I hate to sweat), and mad Chad wasn’t there to help me. It was the perfect storm and when we got in the car I snapped. I yelled at Cali the way I always promised I wouldn’t. I could tell she was upset and scared after my blow up. The rest of the car ride home she was silent.
Through the silence I had time to think and I started to regret my actions. I knew this wasn’t her fault. I was just in a bad mood and I took it out on her. I gathered my composure and did something I never thought I would do.
“Cali, I’m sorry I yelled at you. I was mad and irritated at the situation. But I know this was not your fault and you deserve to be talked to like a real person. I love you.”
“It’s ok Mommy, I love you too.”
Wow, what a humbling experience. I share that long story with you because as a parent I think it’s important to recognize when we actually owe our kids and apology. Kids can be so irritating at times, that’s for sure. But what do we expect? They are bound to forget things, loose things, say mean things and make bad choices but so do we. We just don’t have a grown adult watching us all the time, ready to catch us in the act. We owe it to our kids to treat them with respect and dignity so one day they will do the same for their children.
After this experience I realized how powerful the words “I’m sorry” truly are. When you say it with conviction and meaning it can completely change a negative situation. I continue to think about what kind of world we would live in if more people said “I’m sorry” and “I forgive you.” I have a feeling there would be a lot less hate, less anger and less grudges. Relationships that were once broken could be restored. Countries could end century long wars. The church could become one again. And races would no longer be divided. The world could be at peace.
Doesn’t that sounds like a wonderful world to live in? And it all starts with saying “I’m sorry” to your spouse, children, parents, family members, friends and colleagues. Eventually this movement would grow bigger and the world could change.

Who do you need to say “I’m sorry” to today?