Monday, July 6, 2015

Inside out

A few weeks ago, as a family, we went to see the new Pixar movie "Inside out." It's not often that I sit through a kids film and come out feeling a deeper meaning for life but this one had an amazing message to share. The main part of the movie was about a young girl working through her many feelings including, Disgust, Anger, Fear, Joy and Sadness. I won't give away too much of the movie but in the end its discovered that this little girl was not able to find complete Joy and happiness without experiencing some kind of sadness. As the ending replayed in my head over and over again, its message clicked for me.

So often we wish for everything to be pain free to avoid the feelings that come along with misery and sorrow. It's human nature to not want to feel pain. I know from personal experience that when pain is at it's worst, it's unbearable, almost hard to breath. Losing a loved one is a pain that never heals it only get more bearable. Thinking about going through that pain again sounds terrifying and daunting. But one thing I do know, if it weren't for my past heartache I wouldn't understand what true joy feels like. Laughter, love and happiness wouldn't feel the same to me as it does now if I wouldn't have lost Camden.

Camden keeps playing a huge role in my life even though he is gone. His life has taught me so much. He has helped me to become a more loving person, a more real person and a better mother. He has helped me understand life is much bigger then money and material things. His life has showed me that it's ok to feel. It's ok to feel angry, depressed, confused, happy and even sad. All of those feelings are a part of life.

I know this concept has been around for quite some time now but I find it ironic that a simple Kid's movie could help me understand joy and sadness better. Sometimes all we need is a child like faith to understand that life isn't always perfect, in fact sometimes is simply sucks, but there can still be the joy. And when the joy is's so good! Remember the joy, feel the joy and soak in the joy but appreciate the sadness too, because it's equally as important.